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RE: British DVDs

To: "Barrie Robinson" <>,
Subject: RE: British DVDs
From: "David Breneman (DHL US)" <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 16:32:46 -0700
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Barrie Robinson []

> The British standard is much better than the North American 
> one and gives a 
> much better picture.  All you have to do is look at TV in England and 
> remember how poor it is in NA.

PAL is 625 lines as opposed to NTSC's 525 lines, so PAL is noticably 
sharper, but the 25 fps frame rate results in noticable, and some
would say objectionable flicker.  Still, Ol' NTSC is pretty good for
early-50s technology, and except for the phase change of the color
subcarrier every other line (Phase Alternate Line == PAL) to reduce
color ghosting, PAL *is* NTSC!

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