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Re: Seeking List Comments

To: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>, MG list <>
Subject: Re: Seeking List Comments
From: "Paul M." <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 19:51:09 -0700 (PDT)
--- "Dodd, Kelvin" <> wrote:
> I'd like to have the list's feedback on what type of
> tip would be most appreciated.

I defintely wouldn't go oval.  It's too modern.  My
gut says "A", but maybe "B" if it's done well.

I would have said "C", but the 350Z reference threw me
a little.  That sucker is BIG.  What about an option
that is slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe,
but not too large.  Just something sorta "meaty but
honest" looking?

Or, how about this idea:  Tips are affordable in
quantity, aren't they?  Why not have two or three
options, and let the buyer choose the one they want?

Doubt I helped much...

Paul Misencik - 1971 MGB -

A vintage driving event in the spirit
of the Mille Miglia, Rallye des Alpes,
and Colorado Grand.
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