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The work begins

To: MG list <>
Subject: The work begins
From: Eric Erickson <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 01:02:11 +1030

I am on my way to having a far less tatty looking '68 'B - seven  
years of thrashing the poor old thing around racetracks has meant  
that a little cosmetic patching just doesn't do the job these days.

She is finally getting a facelift and full make-up (hmmm, bodywork  
and paint).

She looks very streamline at the moment - which makes me hesitate  
about putting the windscreen back on... but that is for another  
time.  In fact I can't believe just how ratty she looks without any  
trim, chrome, windscreen, engine/gearbox etc.

So I have done my part of the deal next it goes to the experts.   
There was no way I was going to play at painting her despite all the  
lovely websites and words of encouragement on this list about how you  
can do such a great job in your driveway (if it isn't windy or  
raining).  I am simply not that brave/confident.

While the engine is out I will be freshening that up (four years  
since last major re-build) - and I have been promised the car back  
from the painters in three weeks so I guess I will see her in six or  
eight.  My biggest worry is putting her back together with the old  
parts up against the new paint but my budget doesn't extend to a full  
restoration.  I guess the best I can do is clean and polish  
everything as nicely as possible while she is in bits.

This is an exciting yet moderately stressful time in my ownership of  
this car (and I thought the last engine re-build was a worry).  I am  
dying to get her back out on the track again - or on the streets in  
her full competition livery while she is still street registered...  
bound to get SOME looks but hopefully not from the cops!

I MUST get some progressive photos!

'68 MGB MkII
Adelaide, South Australia

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