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Re: Positive - Negative

To: "William E. Irwin" <>,
Subject: Re: Positive - Negative
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:59:36 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

Terrys answer seems to cover the issue  assuming that your question is NOT 
really " How does one determine if a car is neg ground once the battery is
If that is actually your question the best way is to hook up the battery and
turn on the lights . If the BAT  gauge points to + reverse the battery cable
connections , If it points to -  you got it right the first try .  Don't
attempt to start the car until you have checked that its right .
Bob Nogueira  ( Who is positve about this )\

------ REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Wednesday, 07-Jun-00 09:36 AM
> From: William E. Irwin         \ Internet:    (
> To:   MORGANS                  \ Internet:    (
> Subject: Positive - Negative
> I am sliding down the western slopes of life faster than I thought.
> I had to buy a new battery for my 1968, Plus 4.
> I forgot to note which post goes to the ground and which post goes to the
> starter switch.
> Help,    Sanibel  Bill
> --

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------


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