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Re: Palm ratchet?

Subject: Re: Palm ratchet?
From: (Chris Kantarjiev)
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:02:36 -0700
I have

a) cheesy stubby handle from JC Witless or Harbor Freight
b) Wright "mini" 3/8 ratchet handle (the size of a 1/4" ratchet
handle but 3/8" drive - get yours from Imparts).
c) Snap-On palm ratchet
d) Facom flex head handle with padded grip
e) Craftsman standard handle

(c) wins, hands down, for speeding things off and on. My favorite
use is removing lug nuts after breaking the torque with a breaker
bar. Also great for spark plugs - supplies just enough, but 
not too much torque.

(b) is what I grab for almost any job. Good finish, nice feel
in the hand, gives me a bit more torque and fits in a tighter
space than a standard handle.

(d) is an amazing piece for jobs requiring more torque.

(e) stays in the blow-molded box with the sockets so I can
take them all together quickly.

I don't know why I bother to keep (a). It's junk.

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