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RE: parts washers, was: Re: Parts Cleaner Fluids....

To: "'Mike Lee - Team Banana Racing'" <>,
Subject: RE: parts washers, was: Re: Parts Cleaner Fluids....
From: Dan Canaan <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:49:10 -0800
The heater I'd be using is another Harbor Freight product, but only because
I haven't seen them before.  I may find out who makes it and see if there
are other models available.  Here's the link to the HF version:

It runs from 31F - 113F, very nice and comfy.  At $40, it's a decent deal,
in my opinion.

Dan C.
Photoworks Technical Support

>Something I do plan to add though is a solvent heater.  I have added heat to
>the garage on demand, but that parts washer is **COLD**!!  Heaters seem to
>run about $30 and I think it would be wonderful to have in colder climates.

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