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Re: Cleaning the gutters

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Cleaning the gutters
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 16:37:10 -0400
> Why do you need gutters?  With proper drainage setup on the ground,
> you could take them off and stop worrying.
> Phil (no gutters on my shop) Ethier

That is a bad idea in general, I am a big fan of gutters regardless of how
irritating people consider maintenance.

Gutters control erosion at the base of your foundation, and prevent a groove
from forming where the rain runoff from your roof drops.  Additionally, if
you have had any Termite products sprayed or inserted around the perimeter
of your house or shop, gutters will prolong their usefulness by funneling
the rain water away from those areas... rather than the rain water funneling
your anti-termite chemicals away.

And if you have a door that is not installed on the gable ends, the gutters
prevent you from getting soaked as you cross under the overhang.  This is
the greatest reason I am in favor of gutters.  Previously my shop did not
have gutters and I would avoid going out to the shop if it rained because I
knew I would get soaked from the roof runoff.  Not anymore!


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