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Re: [Shop-talk] led security lighting vrs incandescent`

To: shop-talk <>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] led security lighting vrs incandescent`
From: "Peter J. Thomas" <>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:05:26 -0500
References: <20141105233933.8P0Z3.118976.root@cdptpa-web03> s=q20140121; t=1415286326; bh=7YKalu/K1D9JBINWagyrPuCBOFMTp4aAug5JRFLMXvg=; h=Received:Received:Message-ID:Date:From:MIME-Version:To:Subject: Content-Type; b=V5chU7XbrR+4cyPvsUQUdKV1eGciUEWO6J0KkcDeDxMoKj2jNosb4Q3Uu6o3EGg5S BfjBAoDTLPni25QLMz2Euk2Bg3vS7Czu+XIF5nztCMVxOXLH6unZboYfIZUQ1j7NsV 2p66VFStXYfF/XHXTKN8SDh7TF9x/Bw1dIb+/xf/MPVwUPdexcMBdWi7SX0xHcUk32 P9BBJKE8y69wZJR0uW9m2yIKi5b5ahU2iw2YELh7ABqtIu060zOY+g8B7XX2LegE8/ jWKd3coSZa9PueD/KgWIFmITCoPpODAoBTcQgKnGW8bEd5hr8E2RW3mOdPi4T5Dh+G w2FQSru0xoHwA==
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On 11/5/2014 6:39 PM, Randall wrote:
>> so I'm thinking of replacing and considering LED....  I know the cost
>> difference but I like the low wattage and long life expect...     my question
>> is the light output   how do they compare watt for watt as far as flood light
>> illumination !!!   are they as bright ??   fill me in led gurus
> Actual "watt for watt" they are much brighter, the difference is roughly 7:1. 
>  However, watch out for "equivalent watts" as they frequently don't tell the 
> right story.  Compare lumens, not watts.

The ratio for halogens will be a little lower.  Halogens are more 
efficient than non halogen incandescent.  Probably closer to 5:1 but 
still a significant savings. Randall is correct, lumens are a better 
comparison but if you don't know the lumens a good guess is 100W LED 

Daylight bulbs are little more efficient than soft white.  LED bulbs are 
actual florescent because they use phosphors to improve the quality of 
the light.  A white LED without phosphors produce a bluish light, 
guessing 7000K, so phosphors provide a color shift by absorbing the 
7000K light and remitting 5000K.  The higher the kelvin light color of 
the bulb the higher the efficiency.  Though I stick to a kelvin around 
5000K.  Higher than that you are might be wasting energy producing 
colors that you can't see well; meaning though a 5000K and a 6000K might 
put out the same lumens the 5000K will seem brighter because your eyes 
can see all the lumens.

Peter T.

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