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Trailer Registration

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Trailer Registration
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:00:22 -0700
I just took the old car hauler down to the Department of Motor vehicles
to get the title transferred over to Arizona.

It went through the inspection process with no problems but when the guy
told me how much it would cost ($129.00) I was shell shocked!  Then I
calmed down a bit when he explained that it was a Perminant registration
and never had to be re-registered as long as it stayed under Arizona

Much better n my opinion!!!

Now if I can figure out how to get that "PERMANENT" tab off intact so I
can put it on my truck.....    ;)

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