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Re: Anyone have an oil-pan bolt layout?

To: <s1500@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Anyone have an oil-pan bolt layout?
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 11:35:49 -0500
You're making this far more complex than necessary.  
Just take a cardboard box and mark one end front.  Then poke holes in
it in a pattern that matches the number of holes across each side to
stick the bolts in as you remove them.  
Done and organized!

>>> <s1500@comcast.net> 12/21/2005 10:53:59 AM >>>

When the weather gets better, I'm gonna unbolt the oil pan. Does anyone
have a picture/diagram of the bolt layout on the oil pan? I want to
print out a full-page sized one, tape it to some cardboard, and stuff
the removed bolts on it to keep track of things.

The Bentley manual is a bit confusing on bolt holes versus just random
dots drawn on the diagram.

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