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Re: Brakes - Confused

To: Tom Zuchowski <tzuchow@ibm.net>
Subject: Re: Brakes - Confused
From: Valentine <valntine@postoffice.ptd.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1993 19:29:59 -0400
Cc: Philip Hubbard <phubbard@carroll.com>, spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
References: <199806272136.VAA21780@out5.ibm.net>
Reply-to: Valentine <valntine@postoffice.ptd.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Tom Zuchowski wrote:
> If it is just the front brakes locking up, you =may= have some corrosion
> between the dust seal the fluid seal on the caliper pistons. Such corrosion
> can make the piston a very tight fit so that it doesn't retract slightly as
> it should when the brakes are released. This is not necessarily an
> expensive disaster. My calipers had this, but the pistons and bores were
> fine otherwise. Some VERY careful work with some small squares of sandpaper
> got everything back as it should be. New kits in the calipers and they work
> great and don't leak.
> If releasing the fluid pressure as you have done doesn't free the brake,
> then the problem has got to be in the caliper itself. Once you've bled off
> the pressure, the master cylinder is completely out of the picture as far
> as locked brakes go.


I agree totaly with Tom.  Once the line is loosened or the bleedscrew is
opened the brakes should release - regardless of the condition of the MC
or any other part of the system.

I'd say the calipers are sticking; remove them, clean them up and
install new kits in them...

If they are sticking now the problem usually gets worse.


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