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Re: New charging woes!

To: "Scott & Glenda Meyers" <autox@earthlink.net>, "Palmer Family" <amesfolks@snovalley.com>
Subject: Re: New charging woes!
From: Larry Macy <macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 08:31:36 -0400
Cc: "mg list sprite" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>, "Mg List" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Reply-to: Larry Macy <macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
On 8/29/98 3:02 PM so and so (Scott & Glenda Meyers) said. (And I quote:)

>Palmer Family wrote:
>> So, anyone want to help me with an alternator that's not charging?  (PUSH
>> STARTED 3 TIMES YESTERDAY!!! No shortage of people to help push!!)
>Now this is weird.  It is my understanding that if a car will not start, but
>will run after being push-started, then it is the battery or connections, and
>not the alternator (unless the battery has just enough juice to run the car,
>but not start it?).
>The juice to run on has to come from somewhere, and if the battery is dead,
>and the alternatior is dead.........divine charging?
>I'd start checking at the battery and connections, and then do an output
>check on the alternator last.
>Scott Meyers
>60 Bugeye Sprite
>Former owner of 2 other Bugeyes, 1 67 Sprite, 1 72 Midget,
>2 MGB's, 1 TR-6, and 1 67 XKE Coupe -
>I've paid my dues!
Now I seem to remember (OF ya know) that even modern engines run on 6 
volts. The starter needs 12. So the idea was to get a solenoid that takes 
6 and doubles it (or just passes it) to the starter. The car will run 
fine w/o 12 to the ignition system. BTDT, CR
Not sure what the output of the gen/alt is (13 + volts, I think) but it 
will run the car until the battery falls below 6 volts. So you can have a 
dead cell (or 2 or 3) in a 12 volt battery and the car will still run 
until the voltage supplied by the alt/gen falls below that level. 
As I recall this is a layover from the early car times when 6 V was 
enough. I think the 12 V systems came into be when we started adding 
things like Radio/8-Tracks/Power windows, But the ignition system still 
only needs 6 volts to work. 
Probably doesn't help solve the problem, just another tangent to go off 

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have for windows or 

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