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Re: suprise weather, little if no lbc

To: IfixMGs@aol.com, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: suprise weather, little if no lbc
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:07:14 EST
In a message dated 2/25/2001 12:05:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
IfixMGs@aol.com writes:

<< One of them is  from  Florida, and said that the citrus growers PRAY 
 for rain whenever it  gets below freezing...   >>

Do they really?  I thought they immediatly started printing new price lists.  
 At least every time I hear of frost anywhere in Florida, the newscasters 
always end with ". . .will probably result in higher prices for oranges and 
juice. . .!"   <G>

===David C.

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