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Re: Changing the head gasket: how hard

To: spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Changing the head gasket: how hard
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 17:43:17 -0700 (PDT)
It isnt hard, just time consuming and patience is important.

It would help to have a head puller or a crane to help you break the
head off the block, but i just stood in the engine compartment and
pulled on it till it came loose.

You should clean the head and block surface religiously, meticulously,
carefully, and most people suggest taking them to a machine shop to
have em checked for straight and true.

check stuff for abnormal wear while youre in there, stuff you dont
normally see... timing chain/belt comes to mind.  

--- "de Brebisson, Cyrille" <cyrille@hp.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Well, I am leaking oil around my head, so I guess I am good for a
> head
> gasket change on my 1500...
> I have a question:
> - how hard is it?
> - what hardware do I need except for the head gasket kit?
> - any trick, warning or thing to be carefull?
> - is is just:
>   - drain water
>   - remove the bolts that hold the rocker cover and the head
> (including
> manifolds and water pump)
>   - remove the rockers, pushrods
>   - remove and change the gaskets
>   - put everything back together (being carefull to the torque)
> Or I am way over my head here?
> cyrille

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