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Re: Hey, Jim Johnson.... weather, no LBC

To: <pasgeirsson@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: Hey, Jim Johnson.... weather, no LBC
From: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 22:18:20 GMT
Farmer's Almanac...."It's about as good as anything"

For long range stuff...true, true. But in this
case, I'm just purposely givin' Jim a hard time....just like I'd do to those 
who would
unfortunately find me in their midst should
I move to the "right" coast!! :)

But then again, what is life without giving
others a suitable "hard time"??? I mean, where's the fun for me, Pa....??

"What about Bob?"

Basic :{)

Cap'n. Bob      '60 :{)

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