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Re: RIP Frank Clarici

To: Mike Rambour <mikey@b2systems.com>
Subject: Re: RIP Frank Clarici
From: Robert <lists@woozy.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 22:03:55 -0400
Mike Rambour wrote:
>  And Yes, they are soul-less, you turn the key, push the button and 
> drive, no issues, no break downs, no hassles, good for getting to work 
> in every day when your boss would not understand "Sorry, my car broke 
> down" that is why I also have one of them... Yuck no ! not a Miata ! a 
> S2000.  It has no soul, it has no feelings, it just hangs onto the 
> road like if it was part of the road and it gets me to work everyday. 
This is what gets me to work most days, its sleek, fast, fun, and 
provides the ultimate wind in your face experience:


On days when it rains or on weekends when I have stuff to haul, I drive 
an '03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab 4x4. I love that truck, seriously.

Robert Weeks
Bahama, NC

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