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Re: [Spridgets] 948 oil pump

To: "Jack Laird" <jlaird237@cox.net>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] 948 oil pump
From: "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 16:26:48 -0500

My 1275 had a 948 back plate on it when I got the car. It was too thin
causing the tranny input shaft to hog out the bushing in the fly wheel
and demolish my clutch. I replaced it last year with a 1275 (thicker)
alloy back plate from APT.  Now I appear to have an oil leak around
the oil pump cover when the oil pressure gets high. I'm going to have
to sort that out soon. Oh well...it will only be the third time in two
years that I have pulled the entire lump! I'm getting kinda good at
this now....   ;-)

FWIW, I still have the old back plate with the can brazed onto it....
lemme know if you want it.


On 10/3/07, Jack Laird <jlaird237@cox.net> wrote:
> Got that sucker now, had to take another 1/16 inch or so off of each or the
> oil pump ears. I would guess that the factory that made the backing plates did
> not get the can exactly centered.
> So much for quality control, however it did fit with the orginal oil pump so
> guess I best shut up.
> I have two, one unmodified and one where the edges of the case where the
> bolts
> go through are cut down. Both are same brand both are new.
> There is no way that pump will fit under the backing plate I have. The pump
> is
> just too large for the cut out where the tin can is soddered on.
> What the heck, am I stupid or something in my old age. This is not rocket
> science.
> Anyone else put a new 948 pump in lately and where did you get it. OR OR OR
> do
> I have a backing plate from something else????? the tranny bolts up to it ok.
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Jim - 68 Midget in Dodge City
Don't miss 50 Years of Spridgets at Lake of the Ozarks, June 26-29, 2008!!
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