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Re: Christmas

To: sharon_lebrun@tcibr.com, tigers@autox.team.net,
Subject: Re: Christmas
From: LeBrun@hii.hitachi.com
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 96 12:30:56 PST
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     This year let us: 
     Mend a quarrel
     Seek out a forgotten friend
     Share some treasure
     Give a soft answer
     Encourage youth
     Keep a promise
     Find the time
     Forgive an enemy
     Apologize if we were wrong
     Think first of someone else
     Be kind and gentle
     Laugh a little. Laugh a little more. 
     Express our gratitude
     Gladden the heart of a child
     Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth 
     Speak our love
     Speak it again
     Speak it still once again
     The adventure of life is to LEARN
     The purpose of life is to GROW
     The nature of life is to CHANGE
     The chanllenge of life is to OVERCOME 
     The essence of life is to CARE
     The opportunity of life is to SERVE
     The secret of life is to DARE
     The spice of life is to BE A FRIEND
     The beauty of life is to GIVE
     The joy of life is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER 
     The meaning of life is to TRUST IN GOD
     Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to all and may 1997 be 
     the best year ever.

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