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To: Jeffrey Holt <dadaruso@sbcglobal.net>,
Subject: manuals
From: Rande Bellman <rande@thecia.net>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 07:44:17 -0400

Manuals are pretty easy. Rick at Sunbeam Specialties sells a quality 
reprint of both the Tiger-specific shop manual covering all models and 
two owners manuals, one covering the Mk 1 and 1A and another for the Mk 
II. (www.rootes.com)

Curt at Classic Sunbeam in NY sells reprints of the parts listing 
catalog covering all models of the 1959-68 Alpine and 1964-67 Tiger 

I, too, have a brittle cork gasket on my gas cap, and will wait with you 
on the answer about whether the system is pressurized.


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