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Re: FW: Compression

To: "Ronak, TP \(Timothy\)" <Timothy.Ronak@crna.akzonobel.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Compression
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <sosnaenergyconsulting@cox.net>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 17:42:53 -0800
Hi Tim:
I got one in with plenty of meat around it--the other one is 
uncomfortably close to the ooze hole, but I'm gonna install the mount 
anyway and see what happens.  The problem with locating the holes for 
the bolts is there's that crescent shaped bulge on the back of the mount 
(same side as the ooze holes, of course) and while trying to avoid that, 
the ooze hole, and not get too close to the threaded stud on the 
opposite side of the mount--well, it's an interesting 3-dimensional 
puzzle (grin).  I tried not to locate the bolt too close to the stamped 
steel crescent so that the .025 clearance you recommended between the 
plate and the locknut was even--this particular locknut tends to be .025 
on the side away from the crescent, and 0.00 on the side that abuts the 
crescent.  Meanwhile, the other bolt and nut worked perfectly.
Hopefully I'll get motivated to install the mount in the next few days 
and we'll see how it works.
Thanks again for the tech tip!
Best Regards

Ronak, TP (Timothy) wrote:

>The motor Mount upgrade is drilled in the locations where there is steel
>on both sides. Going through the ooze holes would not provide any area
>around the head of the bolt to secure it. I went to a local machine shop
>(Bob McCray Performance) and had him chamfer the holes for me as I was
>unwilling to buy the bit. I would up doing it myself with their drill
>press. It helps to have relationships with people who have the

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