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Re: [Tigers] draing the hose

To: chris@cthompson.net, tigerlat70@comcast.net, 65tiger@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] draing the hose
From: Tony Somebody <achd73@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 20:54:49 -0700 (PDT)
Ive been draining the hose since the mid 70s. When I bought my first Harley. 
You always turned the gas off and then lifted the hose so all the gas went into 
the tank(s) and didn't drip onto the paint job. I got in the habit I guess and 
still stop the pump and drain whatever it allows into my car. The bad thing is 
the new pumps shut off at the handle as opposed to inside the controller. BUT 
not everywhere. I made a trip to Tx. last spring and was at a station in 
Arkansas and no matter what, it just kept running out. I finally gave up as it 
was cold that night and even free gas by the ounce is only worth standing in 
the cold for a few minutes. TTT
WEll that was last year but at $4 plus a gallon I might look for a jacket!
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