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Re: Mystery Pistons...

Subject: Re: Mystery Pistons...
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 12:39:32 -0500 (EST)

Funny you should mention this. I just took apart a '69 TR6 engine and I 
had the same thing, 5 G's and one F. I didn't measure the pistons yet, 
but I did see in the Bentley manual the various measurements for pistons 
that were installed from the factory.

I suspect that my motor had been rebuilt once, there were several 
anomolies discovered as I was taking it apart. In my case, however, the 
crank was not reground, the journals are exactly at the factory spec. No 
wear. This might have been a new crank, I'm not sure.

As a point of reference, when I took my '74 TR6 engine apart, the pistons 
were all "A's".

My '69 engine will probably need new pistons, I'm going to rummage around 
for another "G" or buy new pistons. I'm thinking about new pistons 
because these ones are really in tough shape, the rings are corroded to 
the pistons. After much soaking and some effort, I've only been able to 
remove 3 rings total (out of 18, counting the oil rings as one ring per 
cylinder). Those rings are really "bonded" to the piston.

Oh well.

Despite the pistons, there are many good parts in this motor, crank, 
Circle B head, block, cam, distributor etc. I got the purchase price and 
then some worth of parts so far, and I have a lot more stuff to scavage.


p.s. went out in the garage over the weekend. I had to move a few cars 
around so I can start getting the '74 TR6 ready for another season of 
AutoX. I put the key in and the thing started on the second try. Not bad, 
I never disconnected the battery either. I really like that car! I have 
to get another "beater" going so I can pamper the old one. It's like an 
old dependable friend... I'll spare you on the details of why I made that 
Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |
Quote: How many Triumphs do you own??? Never enough.

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