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Re: OD A-Type - Dismantling Question

To: Anthony Rhodes <>
Subject: Re: OD A-Type - Dismantling Question
From: Brian Sanborn <>
Date: Tue, Jul 11 2000 10:53:45 GMT-0400
Cc: "" <>, Triumphs <>
>With the OD off the car, I suspended the OD off the ground with a rope through 
>transmission mounting holes.  I then used a hard plastic mallet (heavy) to 
>whack the
>output shaft.  THe OD came apart pretty quickly then.
>I had a well padded landing area for the  rest of the OD when it dropped off..


Thanks for all the great advice.  I did get the OD apart but not the way you 
suggested.  I used a long Xacto knife blade in a handle and tapped on the back 
of the blade to wedge into the seam that was so gunked up with sealer.  I then 
used a one inch thin paint scrapper just along side the blade to free it.  I 
worked my way  all around the seam.  This worked quite well but took some time. 

I wish I had read your mail for the next step.  I ended up using an ever larger 
set of wedges to back off the rear casing assembly.  Next time I'll know better.

The inside of the rear section seems to be in very good shape.  The clutch, sun 
gear, bushings and brake ring are fine as well as the one-way clutch in the 

I do have one big question.  The only area where I can see any noticeable wear 
is the accumulator pistion.  I removed this with a threaded rod screwed into 
the back of the pistion.  No special tool needed... I backed it out with simple 
arm strength.  There are some scrathces and mild scoring in the 4 rings on the 
piston.  The bore is not perfect but looks useable.

I have a "1753" A-type case, which is later TR4A, 250 and early TR6 with the 
rubber o-ring operating pistons.  But it has the 1 3/4 accumulator piston with 
2 big springs that slides in a bore that is in the case itself.  The parts 
manuals indicate that this generation of ODs used a 1 1/8 liner/pistion/spacer 
type accummulator with one spring.

I researched Rimmer, TRF, Moss and VB and can get all those parts as a total 
replcement but can't buy any new rings for the 1 3/4 pistion.  Any opinion on 
whether I should just put it back together clean or buy the new accumulator 

Brian Sanborn
'62 TR4 CT16260L  Groton,MA
TR4 Website

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