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Re: Now WHAT is it?

To: "John Macartney" <>, "triumph25pi" <>, "triumph_herald" <>, "triumph_cars" <>, "triumph_2000" <>, "Triumph List" <>, "2000- Register" <>
Subject: Re: Now WHAT is it?
From: "Adrian" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 20:58:24 +0100
References: <002901c0ff47$9f76d560$96e407c3@jonmac>

I think that you need to have a look at the registration document. It may
say Rebuilt from new and/or new parts or imported from outside UK.
Back in those days (ie 1981) you could build a car up from secondhand/new
parts and receive a "new" registration number of the year it was built.
Also if you imported a car from say Ireland it also had a "new"
registration. It was a practice among used car dealers that they brought
five year old cars from Ireland reregistered them in UK with the current
year registration numbers and increased their value by an astronomical
amount. (Sorry US readers will fail to understand this, email me for an

However on the evidence you present it looks as though it is a rebuilt from
spare parts car.
It could have been as follows:
Take a crash damaged Triumph 2500 add a factory new bodyshell that has been
in stock a few years and as a new bodyshell it would qualify for a new
registration number. So as no fraud could take place DVLC licensing stamped
the Reg. Doc accordingly (Rebuilt from new or used parts).


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