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RE: Lucas Masters: Please help me get my car legal.

To: "Homebru" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Lucas Masters: Please help me get my car legal.
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 09:32:25 -0800
> My next issue deals with lights.  When I installed a new column
> light switch
> (right side = lights/ side markers) I lost the brake lights and marker
> lights.

Have you checked the fuses ?  Both of those functions are fed by fuses that
could've gotten blown if you didn't get the connections right the first
time.  The brake lights should not otherwise be involved with the light

If that doesn't turn up the problem, I'd suggest some troubleshooting with a
voltmeter or test lamp.  Start by checking the red/green wire from the light
switch, which is the output to the marker lamps.  It runs to the fuse block,
so next check the red wires on the other side of the fuse, and so on.

The brake light switch gets it's power from a green wire at the fuse block.
>From the switch to the lamps is green/purple.

> The switch has 5 wires coming out of the bundle: brown with blue
> stripe, big
> blue, blue with white stripe, and brown.  The problem probably
> relates to the
> fact that I cannot find which connector to mate the brown with in
> the harness,
> and currently the brown wire from the light stalk dangles.

According to Dan's schematic, the brown wire should mate with a green/brown
wire that runs to the fuse block, and is used only to provide power to the
"flash to pass" function.  Everything else should work normally with it


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