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RE: I did it (trailer/transport vs drive)

To: "Triumph" <>
Subject: RE: I did it (trailer/transport vs drive)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 12:31:47 -0700
> Sure, I didn't take this advice myself. In 2000 I drove mine home out of
> 33% spirit of adventure, 33% cheapness and concern about finding a good
> transporter, and 33% impatience.

Sounds about right.  I once bought a 56 TR3 sight unseen (spotted sitting in
a field by a buddy of mine), then flew to Texas, spent a few days fettling
and headed for California in it.  No cell phone, no AAA, but I did have my
buddy driving a chase car.

We didn't even make it out of the subdivision before the engine quit !

Rode back to his place to rob a point lead off one of his MGA's, and the TR
ran just fine all the way to CA. Except for a brief bout of overheating
which proved to be a leak where I'd capped off the thermostat bypass.
(Original thermostat housing was ruined, so I was using one from another car
that didn't have the side fitting for the bypass.  Didn't leak much water,
but was sucking enough air to airlock the water pump.)

Ironically enough, the chase car lost a front wheel bearing and spindle 100
miles from anywhere in west Texas.  We had to run parts in the TR.

Sure am glad the wives opted to fly home ... <G>

But in spite of everything, I had a blast, and wouldn't hesitate to do it

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