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RE: VTR Site (another reasonable proposal)

To: "Steven Newell" <>,
Subject: RE: VTR Site (another reasonable proposal)
From: "Jim Bauder" <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 09:32:35 -0700
A Voice of Reason!!

I heartily agree and advise 'my' VTR board to consider this suggestion!!

Jim Bauder
VTR Member 10768
'68 TR250, CD47L
(At the body shop for painting!!)
Scottsdale, AZ

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Steven Newell
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:02 AM
To: triumphs
Cc: Raymond Hatfield
Subject: Re: VTR Site (another reasonable proposal)

Raymond Hatfield wrote:

>I was insired to start my website by VTR's, and thought I was maybe
providing a
>useful service ... and over 20,000 visitors made me think maybe I was.  Now
>wonder if I should just shut it down since it seems everyone else is
>their knowledge away....
Tongue in cheek, right? Now that the VTR Board has plenty of feedback
from members and non alike, why don't we let them mull it over? I'd be
surprised if they didn't love The Newell Plan and move to publish old
TVT content for members only, while returning the maintenance section to
open access. I for one would join just to read old TVT articles.

I'm not a PR professional but I know one who used to have a TR3 :) and I
think he'd recommend the Board reconsider. If TVT repurposing is
possible, they can thank "the community" for the feedback and announce
that they're returning the maintenance section to open access. And that
they're ADDING resources, not taking them away. While they're at it,
they could ask for volunteers to help to EXPAND the maintenance section,
guaranteed to continue as a free resource, with a call for specific new
articles and a new links section to tie in pages like yours, Raymond.
They could even give out either a year's free membership for authors or
sites linked, more good PR plus it's easier to keep a member than to add
a member.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO USA
'62 TR4 x 2

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