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newsletter editor's symposium at VTR convention

To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
Subject: newsletter editor's symposium at VTR convention
From: <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 09:55:39 -0500
Greeting Triumphistae-

            This posting is specifically for all VTR club newsletter editors,
but may apply to other listers too, particularly if you are going to the VTR
convention. This year's VTR convention will include a session specifically
designed for chapter newsletter editors and will be facilitated by Mike Cook,
VTR newsletter editor and former ad man for Triumph. Club editors should have
received a snail mail invitation by now, but in case you didn't receive one,
here's the deal. [If you did get it, consider this a "reminder".] This session
will be an open forum at which we hope to share our collective questions,
comments, concerns and great thoughts on how to put out a timely and
interesting newsletter. The session will be on Wednesday, July 28 at 3:00 pm
and should not conflict with any other major activities. It is scheduled for
an hour, but that's only a guess. If things are going well, we'll go over, if
nobody shows up, it's off to the hotel bar. If you are a newsletter editor and
you plan to be in attendance, please bring a few back issue of your
publication for a "show and tell." If you are an editor, but cannot attend
this year's convention, please try to designate a proxy from your club who can
sit in your absence, or at least drop off some of your newsletters.

            We don't expect this will be a "how to" symposium, but rather more
of a gathering of the tribe to share some of our mutual concerns. Certainly
all convention attendees are welcome to sit in too, particularly webmasters. I
look forward to meeting many of the other members of the fraternal order of
ink-stained wretches [wrenches?] whose newsletters provide me with inspiration
each month. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact
me at your leisure.

Bob Streepy, ISOA newsletter editor & club secretary.

CC58409 Lucille - the Wonder Car [I wonder if anybody would ever give 20 cents
on the dollar for what I've spent on this thing?]

TS78649 L[soon to be O] Casper [Midwest] -Not the world's nicest TR$, just the
most expensive-

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