[6pack] Help with Sync'ing those darn carbs...II

James_ TR6 jattr6 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 19 12:22:55 MST 2008

So I forgot to mention, I did have the linkage loosened so each carb would
move independently. so my method has been to adjust the idle screw and tweak
the jet needle. then i place the unisync over one carb, adjust the wheel so
the float
is in the middle-ish and then place over the other carb. but it either makes
the other
carb stall out or race. the ball of course is way off and does not much the
other carb.

well, i probably just need to fiddle around. just wish there was a formula!
and maybe to a degree there is...either the idle screw or needle.

thanks.> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 00:26:34 -0700> From: mdporter at dfn.com> To:
jattr6 at hotmail.com> Subject: Re: [6pack] Help with Sync'ing those darn
carbs...> > James_ TR6 wrote:> > I have a 1976 TR6...with the stock dual
strombergs.> > during the many tune ups, I don't think I have ever gotten the>
> air-float tool to ever match up between the two carbs!> >> > i try adjusting
the wheel, adjusting the carbs. no luck.> > i have gotten the carbs to run
great in the past, but will be doing> > a tune up next week and hope to tune
these babies better.> > (they were rebuilt recently by me and never got total
sync'ed)> >> > any advice?> > anyone else have trouble?> >> > > > > Never had
trouble with that, either with the tube-in-the-ear method or > with Unisyns.
It takes some time, and if you're in a hurry, that might > be part of the
problem. My method is to get the carbs close to sync, > recheck mixture,
adjust that, then bring the carbs into closer sync. > Might have to do that a
couple of times to get it right, but, it never > fails. If you can't get `em
close, then there's probably some internal > trouble with one of the carbs,
and one has to isolate that problem.> > > Cheers.> > -- > > > Michael Porter>
Roswell, NM> > > Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within
walking distance....>
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