Responses to Phil's question from Healey List
Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:30:32 EDT

Here are some responses from the Healey list after I forwarded Phil's  
problem to them.
#1 Possibly the crank pully nut is backing off  and  the pully hits the

#2 Dennis /  Phillip -

It sounds to me like either your clutch bearing or clutch  cover
bearing mating-ring has come loose and is rattling around the  first
motion shaft when the engine changes RPM (centripital force will  keep
the ring/bearing relatively quiet if the engine RPM isn't changing).  
It may only be happening from time to time because the ring or  the
bearing might be partially reseating in its mount when you step on  the
clutch, and then flying loose again from time to time because  of
engine vibration.
A good check to see if this is the problem... next time you hear  the
noise, step on the clutch and see if the noise goes away - if it  goes
quiet then this is probably your problem.  I know, I had the  exact
same thing happen to me.

The only fix is to take the gearbox out  and replace your clutch.  
Sounds like you need a clutch job.  If  this is the problem you can
probably drive your car to the shop for repair  (rather than towing),
but I would highly recommend not driving the car until  you figure it



#3 Phil:

Had something happen to me a long time ago  on one of the Healeys:  Had a 
noise that seemed to be similar to that  which you describe.

Turned out to be a slightly loose generator fan that  would occasionally just 
barely graze something on the body of the generator  - made the weirdest 
noise, and took a long time to find.

Check for  that, and possibly a water pump pulley or bearing problem.

Earl  Kagna
Victoria, B.C.
BT7  tri-carb