Sunday Lunch in Granite Falls? Or Baker, all most.

phil daniels phil.danielsbn7 at
Sat Oct 11 11:55:21 MDT 2008

Great top down fall weather.
Calls for a backroads trip to Granite Falls Sunday for lunch.
The fall colors are great and the sun will be with us.
We will leave the 405 Exit 22 Park and Ride at 11:00.
Snohomish, then lost in the foot hills to Garnite Falls.
I am sure I can find a dead end so we have to turn around at least once.
(A tradition of Bob's that must be continued.) 
After lunch, maybe a side trip to the end of the pavement of the loop highway
halfway to Darrington. (About 30 miles East of Granite Falls.)
The turn around is at the Monte Cristo trail head. 
Returning to Monroe and Woodinville by Rosinger Lake.
Probably back to P/R by about 4.
Let us know if this is something you  want to join us on.
Please send an e-mail so we will know you are coming.

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