[Roadsters] SOlvamg SHow Website Info and Update

Jeff Torres jtorres67 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 10 09:15:03 MDT 2008

Hello All,
  Well it appears I have managed to get the website up on the Internet. Unfortunately, I have not been able to update the registered participants or input any info, but be assured that I have been receiving registrations(THANKS!). 
  Early registration ends tomorrow and If you have not registered, but plan on going to please drop me a line with your info. I'd appreciate it. 
  Thanks to everyone for their understanding and support on this. I do believe though that the website is the way to go. I have had many, many requests for info/interest in our Solvang Show from people who knew about it, but never had any way to find out info other than word of mouth. I am certain this will be an avenue for growth and exposure for not only our show, but our Roadster lifestyle as well!  I have been contacted by two sources that made their decision to cover our show this year, in part from the info on the website. The first is a Nissan Mag that has decided to cover our show for the first time and the second is a video production company that does projects for cable and satellite TV. Soooo...there ya' have it. Again thanks to all!!! See you in 16 days!
  Jeff T. 

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