[Roadsters] re knobs

steve newby csp541983rx7 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 3 15:19:53 MDT 2010

On the knob issue a system that works fairly well is the following,
Take the
knob off the car (small straight screwdriver for the set screw on most) clean
thuroughly, use an old tooth brush to get down in the cracks. Buy some sign
painters enamel, dries fairly slowly and cleans up with turpentine if you
screw up. Use a model paint brush to apply the paint to the letter areas, then
use a cloth that does not have allot of knapp, and old t shirt works good, to
wipe off the excess paint, it will last allot longer than white out, and will
more closely match the original hue. if you gently stroke across the letter/
picture (depending on year) you will remove the paint on the surface without
scouring out the paint in the indentation. this method also works well for the
side emblems on the car. a q tip LIGHTLY wet with turpentine applied gently
will remove excess nicely, not too much as the white will run.

On the door
aluminium, if its beat too much to salvage using aluminum wheel cleaner and a
stiff bristle brush, you CAN paint them with aluminium spray paint and very
closely match the original finish, not super durable, but easily re done. 

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