[JAGNUTS] Melrose Place Parking

Jennifer & Glen Perchie gperchie at accesscomm.ca
Thu Jul 30 20:26:33 MDT 2009

Hello everyone:

Last Sunday, at Breakfast (Melrose Place), we once again found it difficult
to navigate around all of the other vehicles parked in front of the
restaurant.  Mike had a thought that perhaps we could park adjacent to
Melrose Place on the EMS lot.

I have followed up with the EMS team and with the Regina Qu'Appelle Health
Region's Security services.  There are no concerns with us using the
southeast (front) portion of the parking lot on Sunday mornings.  I won't be
at coffee for the next two Sundays, so I have attached a drawing of the EMS
parking lay out.  As long as ambulances can get from Albert through the
gate, there should be no problems.  Although, it states "no parking" in
front of the 3 south bays and admin area (old Capital Pontiac showroom), we
have no problem with "special" cars parking there on Sunday mornings.

I sent an e-mail out to all of the EMS managers and paramedics, so they
should all be informed; however, should someone (who has not read their
memos)  approach you, please state that you have approval from Glen Perchie
(me) and Dale Orban (manager for Security Services).


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of EMS Parking.pdf]

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