[Mg-t] Urgent help needed Santa Cruz/LaBrea area

Dave and Liz DuBois ddubois at sinclair.net
Sun Aug 16 01:19:08 MDT 2009

Bud and Carl,

I posted the content of the e-mail that Chris Johnson sent to me on 
several bulletin boards and forums.  At the time I got the e-mail 
(midnight last night) he sounded pretty desperate and it didn't sound 
like he had the time to round up the parts necessary to make up the 
quick and dirty pressurization set up that Stuart Lock cam up with.  I 
thought of sending him the info, but decided that cleaning the points 
and/or installing a Facet pump would be the quickest way to get the car 

In an e-mail he sent me today, he said that cleaning the points got the 
car running and that the evacuation order never came.  The fire is now 
30% contained (at the time of his e-mail) and things are not as 
desperate as they were at 9:00 PM yesterday (of course that can change 
in an instant - we have experienced wild fires in southern California 
ourselves and know how erratic they can be).  The responses that he got 
as a result of my e-mail campaign last night apparently was very 
comforting to him as he sounds much calmer and in control of things today. 

Thank you for your response.

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