[Mg-t] cars2 the movie

PopeyMike at aol.com PopeyMike at aol.com
Tue Jun 28 09:52:36 MDT 2011

Dear Clive:
I do have to agree - I like the way you reason.
Yes it would keep British minds alert - no question about that.
Unfortunately this does not help the USA since we tend to value education a 
 wee bit less then anywhere else in the world.  I have traveled to the  
poorest sections of Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and met many children  
of all ages and I bet they know world geography better then most adults in  
USA.  And they have heard of England and know the capital is London - even  
when they speak Spanish.
I guess since they do not have ready access to TV and video games then they 
 must fill their bored time with books.  How utterly old fashioned.   This 
is what Rummy meant about Old Europe - where education is respected, funded  
and teachers have a high standing in the community.
Michael Balahutrak
In a message dated 6/28/2011 7:21:16 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
clive.sherriff at ntlworld.com writes:

There are reasons ..........

The imperial measurements  systems, with the odd basis of 12ths, 14th, 
poles, furlongs and  perches etc. etc.  was a cunning British way of 
the minds of  the English speaking nations of Empire more alert than those 
the  foreigners!   <G>

And dont forget, the Sun never sets  on the British Empire !   (though 
are rumours that this is  so because God was concerned about what the 
might get up to in the  dark !!!)

Oxford,  UK

----- Original Message  ----- 
From: <PopeyMike at aol.com>
To: <KVacek at Ameritech.net>;  <sumton at sbcglobal.net>; <mg-t at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday,  June 27, 2011 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Mg-t] cars2 the movie

>I  beg to differ with you Karl.  Metric system makes sense in more  ways
> than one.  It is the British system that is confusing for  most people 
> fractions and inches and the base 12 measuring  system.
> I think this was a conspiratorial plot by the British  Crown to brainwash
> people in the USA and in this way keep the USA from  using the  metric.
> Imagine if we would have went metric back in  the early  1900  - with the 
> force of
> USA innovation  we would have flooded the whole  European theater with USA
>  goods.......................................  

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