Jim's RV trip

Jacuzzi jacuzzi2313@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 05:21:07 -0700 (PDT)

Sounds like a great place to tour on a motorcycle with a friend.  It reminds me of the song Shiloh by Darryl Worley from the Album Have You Forgotten.  A great album if you haven't heard it.

William McEver <mcever@comcast.net> wrote:
Yes WV is a great travel area, MO and I have done a lot of the northern and
western sections. We still have the intention of doing the middle and eastern
parts, and finish seeing the Civil War Battle sites west of the Shendoah

The repairs to my house are complete, and I have put everything back in place.
Now if I can get some relief for my neck, I might get some saddle time before
the weather turns sour.

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Jacuzzi #2313
Molon Labe