[Shop-talk] led flashlight troubleshooting

Jimmie Mayfield mayfield+shoptalk at sackheads.org
Wed Dec 25 11:29:57 MST 2013

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 04:11:00PM -0600, John Niolon wrote:
> recently bought 4 of these little led flashlights and was well pleased...
> http://www.amazon.com/BBQbuy-300lm-Flas ... flashlight

For some reason my email client munched on the URL so I couldn't look
at the lights in question but the first thing to check (after polarity, etc)
is that the various pieces that screw together are making good electrical 
contact since most flashlight designs use the body as one of the conductors.  

Unscrew everything, and rub the ends back and forth a few times on some 320 
grit sandpaper then use some steel wool to lightly scuff up the threads.
That'll give you good electrical contact when everything is screwed back

Another thing to check is that the leads to the LED weren't severed when the
reflector was installed at the factory.  This happened with a couple 
flashlights I bought off ebay.  It's a simple fix if you have a soldering iron
and some ~18-20ga wire.

Jimmie Mayfield  
http://www.sackheads.org/jimmie         email: jimmie+shoptalk at sackheads.org
My mail provider does not welcome UCE -- http://www.sackheads.org/uce

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