[Shotimes] I shouldn't have gotten out of bed

V6SHOGirl@aol.com V6SHOGirl@aol.com
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:55:21 -0500

There had to be something in the air yesterday. i got into an accident with my sho on the way to school. I hit a patch of black ice and my car wouldnt stop.   i rearended a Chevy pick up truck and ya know what...the Chevy saying is true - they are built like a rock. that truck didnt even have a scratch or a dent. It was either hit the truck or go over the edge of the highway. the whole front end of my car is smashed up. my headlights are like gone and my hood is bent up. right now my car is leaking antifreeze and last week i just got a new radiator which i think is trashed now. i've got some gruesome pictures if anyone wants to see. i hope your SHOs okay bill :)

1994 Red ATX named Satan