SHO RESPONSES ONLY PLEASE was RE: [Shotimes] Re: Fiero's ad nauseum

Timothy Tyner
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:36:49 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Yeah, that cow at 2 am would have really did damage if I had hit it head on.
 Stupid thing runs when I got close, right into the road.  Got the car into
the left lane as quickly as possible and only hit the cows head.  Same with
the deer.  My mirror is what killed it.  Those GEN II mirrors are stout!


-------Original Message-------

From: Mark Nunnally
Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 11:33:36 PM
To: shotimes
Subject: Re: SHO RESPONSES ONLY PLEASE was RE: [Shotimes] Re: Fiero's ad

Don makes a good point re: the driving schools. I missed the wild boar and
the deer (did nick the mirror, sheered it off, but no body damage, I was in
the middle of a real aggressive lateral move to avoid) due to all the hrs of
driving schools and open tracking. Those $200 track days paid off very
well. You learn to make your car an extension of you, after you get a feel
for it and know it's limits on it's tires, you can push it to the limit to
avoid something and not eat a pine tree.

IHMO every new kid with a license should do driving schools/track days. I
wish I had at 16.

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