[Shotimes] 60,000 mile check -- tools and supplies

Ron Childs rbchilds@pacbell.net
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 15:13:58 -0800 (PST)

That would be Captain Picard. After a transporter accident, his body was transformed into that of a twelve year old and nobody would take him seriously.
-Ron Childs

Donald Mallinson <dmall@mwonline.net> wrote:
As a trek fan, I get a kick out of how many times they tell 
people that the transporter is safe and then how many times 
the toast people or mix them up!

"if I want to go to my room and contemplate MY situation, it 
does NOT mean I am pouting!" (who said it? and why?)

Don Mallinson

Carl Prochilo wrote:

> No no no, it was a transporter malfunction. : )
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