[Shotimes] Re: Shotimes digest, Vol 1 #2952 - 13 msgs

bjshov8 bjshov8@comcast.net
Thu, 4 Dec 2003 22:20:31 -0600

In my 90 I replaced the timing belt at 70k miles.  The water pump looked
fine so I didn't change it, and at that time I didn't know about the
potential problems with the crank sensor.  A month later the crank sensor
went so I replaced it under emergency conditions.  I thought about the water
pump but couldn't get one in short notice.  A couple of months later the
water pump went.

The second time that I replaced the timing belt I replaced the crank sensor
and water pump also.

> Me neither. First crank sensor went at 50-55K. Still has that one in place
> after over 11 years and another 150K+ miles Water pump didn't start
> until just over 100K, and it obviously didn't affect the sensor.