[Shotimes] RE: subframe bolts torque

Shylo McKinsey mrfluffy02@yahoo.com
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 12:52:24 -0800 (PST)

"John brings up a good point on the spacers and
checking the thing the springs rest on at the perch.."

Mine groans up front too. Took it into the shop about
2 months ago, and they said that the little spacer
must've broke and was missing. My struts need to be
replaced so I haven't done anything about it. Need to
save up some $$$ first. They said it wasn't a big
safety issue, just annoying. Of course they could be
wrong, and I could be driving 80 mph down the road and
listen to my strut shatter. Fun fun fun...not...

Shylo McKinsey

'91 White MTX

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