[Shotimes] eBay

Dave Bigelow stupourdave@yahoo.com
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 08:37:40 -0800 (PST)

Hi all,
       Most of you probably know about this, but in case you don't here's something I've used a lot. If you go to eBay, then to eBay Motors and in the search engine type Taurus SHO you'll get about ten pages of SHOs and SHO parts for sale. It's all auction stuff, but there are a lot of hard to find parts available. It's amazing how many people are parting-out SHOs. New starters "buy now" price is usually $75 plus shipping. Overflow tanks and washer tanks are usually about $10-$15 plus shipping. I hope you find this helpful.   Dave

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