[Shotimes] OT-94 Sable 3.8l head gasket replacement

shewitt@hypercon.net shewitt@hypercon.net
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 11:28:03 -0600

OK, take this OT crap off-list, please, because:

1) all this talk about torque specs on a 3.8L is very 
boring and trivial

2) I have a 94 Sable w/ a 3.8L, and you're going to jinks 
that car and I'm going to have a blown head gasket soon

Scot Hewitt
95 Red MTX - 66k

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:29:40 -0500
  "John Phillis" <jphillis68@hotmail.com> wrote:
>ok, now you've gone and pissed me off.
>look here.
>I tried to explain in my original message that there was