[Shotimes] Buzzing/grinding on startup

George Fourchy George Fourchy" <krazgeo@jps.net
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 17:54:07 -0800

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 07:50:56 -0500, Mark D. Mallory wrote:

>George, that is a good suggestion... but the thought of the frostbite I'd
>sustain while loosening the belt makes me think it's just not worth it.

I totally understand and sympathize!!  I'll try remembering to remove my belt one of
these evenings (next Monday...my Saturday?)....our weather has been pretty dull and
dreary....fog and low overcast for days at a time.  But the temps range from 45 to
52 F, so I can't complain.  I was just reading the official forecast for the week
for Wisconsin.....better you than me, Joseph!!

I'm sure the rest of the upper midwest will be the same....warming is supposed to
come after Tuesday or Wednesday, but then again.....everything is relative!!
