[Shotimes] Home from SHO Convention #12

kerbyh@netzero.net kerbyh@netzero.net
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:09:39 GMT

I'm betting on the fuel pump.  Works fine until it gets hot from a "real" workout.

And as for being stuck on the side of the road, I won't ever leave someone one stuck like that, by themselves.  I've never had to be anywhere that badly.  Well, actually, there might be a few people I'd leave stranded, but you ain't on that list...  :-)


-- "Paul & Rosetta Thomas" <2k2bird@cablelynx.com> wrote:
After a little more excitement than we bargained for Rosetta and I made it
home from the convention last night pretty much on schedule.  Many thanks go
out to a lot of folks for another great time.  George Fourchy and all of the
BaySHO folks deserve all the kudos they can get for putting together a fun
time for everyone.  Of course Don and Jan Mallinson are the rocks of the
whole production and they, as usual, put forth days and days or hard work
before, during and I'm sure after the convention.  The SHO community is
lucky to have them.

As most of you know the car died in the Mojave Desert on the way out while
going close to 100 mph in 105 degree heat at over 5000 feet above sea level.
We had it towed in and checked out at the FORD dealer in Mojave, CA.  Of
course it started right up and ran fine while they were looking at it.
Finally changed the fuel filter because it seemed a little clogged up.  The
dealer had interesting SHO stories of his own since he had driven one for
several years.  Said he even had a complete engine out back that had a
"knock" in it when new.  Even though the performance seemed fine, it was
changed out under warranty and somehow FORD never wanted the one that came
out.  We cruised on into Vallejo on Monday without incident even with
spirited driving along the way.

On Friday when we were on the way home, as we were topping a long uphill
climb out in the desert at close to triple digits in 98 degree weather the
car shut off again.  After coasting down the hill for about a mile, I
stiopped the car and it started right back up.   The car idled fine and we
decided to take it easy to see if it would be okay at lower speeds and under
less stress.  We made it all the way home from there without problems other
than traveling a little slower than we would have liked.

Any ideas on what is going on with the car?  Seemed fine except under fairly
extreme conditions.  It never over heated but did move up very high in the
normal range while under the stress of the outside heat and speed.

Finally, want to thank the guys in our caravan (Kirby, Steve, Angela and
Sergio) for hanging in there with us when things were kind of lousy during
the power outages.  Angela and Sergio got a double dose since they were with
us both times and were great to stick with us.  Even with the uncertainty of
the car we managed to get our time at the Bonneville Salt Flats on the way
home.  Can't wait to see the pictures.

Looking forward to Indianapolis,

Paul & Rosetta "never so glad to be off of the road" Thomas
'93 Modified (Gold in Car SHOw - but a little slow on the uptake)
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