[Shotimes] Gene Pool - From the Hillman List (Semi-OT)

Paul Nimz pnimz@v8sho.com
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 18:05:53 -0500

That is what happen to me last time I went to Lapeer.  We were at Gingerman
during the day and drove into Detroit that evening.  Dark, construction, crazy
Michigan drivers and Kirk on my ass with the pickup and a trailer.  As I got
to the Detroit turn off from up north I noticed I had to pump the brakes.  By
the time I coasted into the motel I didn't have any brakes and the car was
hemorrhaging brake fluid from the right rear.

Well it was late so I just said forget it.  Next morning I was out early
jacking up the car and checking things out.  Got harassed by a cop seems it
wasn't the nicest of neighborhoods.  Later saw them busting to yout's for
checking out all the room doors????

Anyway the pads were completely gone.  The caliper was only hanging by one
caliper bracket bolt.  And the piston was 110% extended with the rubber piston
boot ripped.  I had just put these on a couple of months earlier, Auto Zone
rebuilds.  But all was covered by the warranty and I changed the caliper out
in AZ's parking lot.

The extra good thing is on the way to Lapeer the next morning in the rain...
Larry Eck lost a caliper bracket bolt and we had to turn off.  With the
caliper I got came new bolts and I only used one, so I had an extra to len
poor ole' Uncle  Lar.



On 8/9/2005 9:47:18 AM, Mark Nunnally (marknunnally@joimail.com) wrote:
> >the front rotors were
> >> shredded, all the pads were bare of pad - and that was
> >> the front.
> Had a co-worker a few years ago, they said the brakes were sounding
> "funny" and asked me to fix them.  Was an early gen3 SLO w/ rear discs.
> Both pads in the rear were worn down to the backing plates, rotors trashed,
> etc....BUT the RR had actually worn through the backing plate (!!!) and
> had a VERY thin (what was left) pad backing plate on the outside.  The
> inside was nothing left, totally gone, just caliper piston on rotor!
> never seen anything like it.  The piston was way overextended, fluid
> leaking, brake pedal on the floor.  Amazing the guy was able to drove and
> actually stop the thing.  The face of the piston was pretty worn from
> being on the rotor for who knows how long.
> This was in NY btw, so those yearly safety inspections really do a lot of
> good!
> mark
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