[Shotimes] showing off-waxed my car

krazgeo@comcast.net krazgeo@comcast.net
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 18:05:50 +0000

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Ian Fisher <dataflash@yahoo.com>
> Well, I spent the last 2 days polishing and waxing my
> car with stuff that I ordered from Griot's Garage. It
> was expensive but the end result was worth it.

That's the same sort of improvement I got when buffing Black Diamond.  I'm putting pictures and text together for a page covering its reconstruction.  I'm just about done with the interior and buffing the paint, and I already have 75 pictures and 8 pages of text.  It ought to be publishable by the time the struts and tires are on.

Very nice job.  It's nice and satisfying to drive a car as old as these and have them look so good.
