[Shotimes] Interesting coin on eBay

Jon Heese shotimes@jonheese.com
Tue, 07 Mar 2006 19:13:12 -0500

Yeah, that's another reason I question it's meaningfulness...  I reckon 
some rogue company/individual decided that it would be profitable to 
stamp a Taurus on a piece of cheap coin stock (does it remind anyone 
else of those penny smasher machines at the fair?) and sell it for $20 
on eBay.  I wouldn't be surprised to see 5 more of these on eBay with a 
Mustang, Tbird, F-series, Crown Vic, maybe even a Focus or an
Escort.  It's not as though anyone's claiming Ford commissioned the 
minting of these or anything.

Jon Heese

Ian Fisher wrote:
>>From a coin collector's standpoint, it  doesn't have
> much (any) value. Unless of course you specialize in
> one-off oddball coins that aren't regulated or
> produced by the US government. So far, I've never met
> or heard of anyone who does.
> Ian "amateur coin collector" Fisher
> --- Jon Heese <shotimes@jonheese.com> wrote:
>>This is a little silly:
>>Odd that they used the '86-'91 model year on a coin
>>commemorating Ford's 
>>100 year anniversary in 2003.  You'd think they'd
>>put a Gen4 on there...
>>Jon Heese
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